We also offer LAMDA exam coaching and have an 100% pass rate for LAMDA exams.
Group sessions are between 30-45 minutes
In essence, we coach students to use performance to develop self confidence, physical presence and a strong speaking voice to convey a story.

What does LAMDA stand for?
LAMDA stands for London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art. A LAMDA exam is the speech and drama equivalent of a music exam grade, which begin at basic levels and culminates at Grade 8.
LAMDA benefits include reading fluency, a broader vocabulary, enhanced memory and recall, improved English language skills and the ability to structure an argument.
Value of the examinations
LAMDA exams are accredited by the government and as such are worth credits but are also worth UCAS points, useful for university and college entrance, in their higher grades (6,7 and 8).
If you are interested in your child starting LAMDA sessions with us we would be delighted to invite you to a trial session before you commit. Please email [email protected] to request a space in class.